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Gradients of Growth investigates tree cavity nesting birds such as owls, woodpeckers and flickers. The paintings pose the question, what do birds see in our anthropocene climate. The abstract portal shapes are derived from the nest cavity shapes found in trees while walking in the woods of Rolling Hill Park during a residency at Lower Merion Conservancy. The print series is titled, Contemporary Herbarium and based on Lehigh University’s Tremblay Herbarium collection. Herbariums are a library of dead plants which climate change scientists use to track the decline and/or health of botanical species. These monoprints take a hyperlocal look at East Coast pollinator species that act as hosts to feed the migratory birds, continuing to thrive despite the rising temperatures. The focus of my studio practice is grounded in the ecology of hope rather than the grieving of extinction and the belief that through awareness we can work to heal and repair our warming earth. This exhibition was made possible by generous funding from Lehigh University’s CORE grant.